Jackie is always a hoot. But please, no more “Spy Next Door.

Actor Jackie Chan and Laura Weissbecker speak at “Chinese Zodiac” panel during Comic-Con International 2012 at San Diego Convention Center on Thursday. — Kevin Winter / Getty Images
It may be hard to believe, but martial arts action star Jackie Chan made his first-ever Comic-Con appearance during a Hall H panel on Thursday afternoon.
The star was on hand to promote his new action film “Chinese Zodiac.” The trailer for the film, which follows a skilled but somewhat-bumbling thief played by Chan, showed off Chan’s signature humorous fighting style. The trailer suggests that Chan, who directs the film, might be poking some fun at his increasing age.
“I tell all the new people to learn special effects,” he said. “Don’t get hurt just for a movie.”
Chan was quick, however, to smack down rumors that he is thinking of retiring from making action movies.
“It’s not my last action film,” he said, “but it is, probably, my last big action movie.”
After 52 years of martial arts, Chan is staying true to his vision of providing unvarnished action free from distracting special effects.
“I’m going back to the original Jackie Chan movie,” he said. “No big special effects, just me.”